Rectus diastasis exercises

Rectus diastasis is particularly common in women who have had several pregnancies, as the abdominal muscles are repeatedly stretched. Even severe overweight can stretch the abdominal muscles up to rectus diastasis. In most cases, rectus diastasis can be well treated by targeted training of the abdominal muscles. Surgical interventions are rare. You may also be … Rectus diastasis exercises

Rectus diastasis after pregnancy | Rectus diastasis exercises

Rectus diastasis after pregnancy During pregnancy the abdominal muscles are stretched over 9 months to allow room for the growing child. The abdominal muscles become weaker. After delivery, the abdominal muscles do not immediately return to their original position and an existing rectus diastasis occurs. Normally, the rectus diastasis recedes on its own during the … Rectus diastasis after pregnancy | Rectus diastasis exercises