Macrobiotics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The macrobiotic way of life is not only supposed to make the body healthier, but also to strengthen the mental faculties. The original form, as practiced and taught by its founder, was considered too one-sided shortly after its introduction and was expanded and supplemented with Western foods because of some bad incidents. What is macrobiotics? … Macrobiotics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Macrobiotics: Finding the Inner Center

Macrobiotics means “great life” and is a science that deals with all aspects of life. A vegetarian diet is one of them, which supposedly can also cure diseases. The principles of yin and yang, those two opposites that form a perfect whole, underlie macrobiotics. Macrobiotics is based on the principles of yin and yang. The … Macrobiotics: Finding the Inner Center

Ito-thermia: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Ito-Thermy is a Japanese alternative medicine procedure and has its roots in Zen Buddhism. The massage technique involves compressing herbs, setting them on fire and smoldering them into metal tubes that are used to work on the patient’s body. The goal is to activate the immune system and self-healing powers. What is ito-thermia? Ito-Thermy is … Ito-thermia: Treatment, Effect & Risks