Home remedy against tooth root pain | Toothache at the root

Home remedy against tooth root pain

In case of toothache, which is caused by an inflammation of the root, various home remedies can be used to make the time until the dentist appointment a little more bearable. Very popular is clove oil, which can be applied with a cotton swab to the painful area. Rosemary leaves can also spread their soothing effect on the affected area.

Furthermore, compressions with savoy cabbage leaves can be applied. The required leaf is rolled and wrapped in a cloth. Rinsing the mouth already brings relief.

Camomile, sage, melilot or a special tea for toothache, which can be bought in the pharmacy, are well suited for this purpose. Camomile can also be held against the cheek from the outside, just like an onion, which also promises pain relief. A propolis tincture can be used. Propolis, also called bee resin, has an antibiotic, antiviral and antimycotic (against fungi) effect.


In order to support the healing process of a root inflammation, various homeopathic remedies can be applied. Ratanhia is used for example. This is a plant species that occurs in Peru as shrubs. Its anti-inflammatory effect in the oral cavity has been known for a long time. But also calendula, mercurius solubilis (mercury) and belladonna (deadly nightshade) are used in homeopathy to fight against dental root inflammation.

What to do in case of toothache at the root?

No matter in which form toothache occurs, a visit to the dentist is advisable in any case, since only in this way the cause can be gotten to the bottom and fought. In order to bridge the pain symptoms until the doctor is consulted, common painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol can be used, but they do not fight the cause. But the household remedies just mentioned are also suitable for this purpose.

If an inflammation of the tooth root is suspected, quick action is required to save the tooth and keep it alive. The dentist will perform various examinations, such as x-rays to determine the origin of the inflammation or a cold test to see if the tooth is still vital. Depending on the condition, subsequent steps will be taken. This can be a root canal treatment, or even a root tip resection.