Meadowgrass Dermatitis

Symptoms After brief contact with an appropriate plant, e.g., during gardening or play and exposure to sunlight, a skin rash forms with a delay within 1-4 days. It manifests itself in severe reddening of the skin with the formation of vesicles and blisters at the sites of contact and, depending on the contact with the … Meadowgrass Dermatitis

Masterwort: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Not for nothing it is also called “Ginseng of the Alps”: Masterwort was already considered a panacea, even a magic remedy, in the Middle Ages. It has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and also helps as an antidote in chronic and acute poisoning conditions. Occurrence and cultivation of masterwort Masterwort emits a pungent, aromatic odor. … Masterwort: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits


Masterwort Apiaceae, masterwort. Medicinal drug Imperatoriae rhizoma – masterwort. Indications for use Is snorted as a powder, for example, for colds. For the production of liquor

Meadow Grass Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Meadow grass dermatitis (dermatitis protensis, photodermatitis) is a skin inflammation caused due to certain extracts in plants and subsequent exposure to sunlight, which leads to severe pigmentation after healing. What is meadow grass dermatitis? Meadow grass dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition and occurs primarily in spring through fall. Most often, contact with certain plants … Meadow Grass Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment