Meadowsweet for Colds?

What are the effects of meadowsweet? Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria or, in Switzerland, moor goat’s beard) has various medicinal effects: The medicinal plant has an anti-inflammatory, astringent effect on mucous membranes and reduces fever. It also has diaphoretic and weak antimicrobial properties (directed against microorganisms). This makes meadowsweet suitable for the supportive treatment of colds. Effective … Meadowsweet for Colds?

Fibromyalgia Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Fibromyalgia is a chronic, noninflammatory disorder that manifests as pain throughout the body and is characterized by numerous other complaints. It is much more common in women than in men and usually first appears in middle age. Chronic, bilateral, diffuse pain. Muscle pain, pain in the limbs, back pain, joint pain, neck pain, headaches, … Fibromyalgia Causes and Treatment

Piercing plant

Latin name: Filipendula ulmaria/Genera: Rosaceae Folk name: goatee beard, elm tree, meadow goatee Plant description On our meadows frequent, perennial perennial. Strong root, stems up to 1 m high. Leaves toothed, silvery hairy on the underside. At the end of the stem umbellate inflorescences with many, white and very small flowers. Flowering time: June to … Piercing plant

Meadowsweet: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Already the ancient Greeks and the Celtic Druids knew how to appreciate the very old, aromatic fragrant medicinal plant meadowsweet very much. Today, its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects for health are being rediscovered more and more. Occurrence and cultivation of meadowsweet The name is not associated with pretty girls, as you might think, but refers … Meadowsweet: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits