Anamnesis: Process and Objectives of the Doctor’s Conversation

What is a medical history? The definition of a medical history is “previous history of an illness”. With the help of open and specific questions, the doctor or healthcare professional obtains information not only about a patient’s current complaints, but also about their medical history and life circumstances. The initial anamnesis is particularly detailed so … Anamnesis: Process and Objectives of the Doctor’s Conversation

Wet Hands: Causes, Treatment & Help

Wet hands are always accompanied by excessive production of sweat. Numerous potential causes face many treatment options and therapies. The easily diagnosed disease is countered by those affected with several preventive measures. What causes wet hands? An imbalance in hormone balance can cause excessive sweating on the hands. However, hyperthyroidism is also responsible for moist … Wet Hands: Causes, Treatment & Help

Pelvic Floor EMG: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Pelvic floor EMG is a procedure used to diagnose urinary bladder voiding disorders. The function and activity of the musculature can be recorded and thus pathological changes can be detected. What is pelvic floor EMG? A pelvic floor EMG is applied to diagnose micturition disorders, a stress incontinence, anal incontinence or even constipation (constipation). Pelvic … Pelvic Floor EMG: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The First Cardiac Catheter

Today it is commonplace, the examination with a cardiac catheter. But the history of the cardiac catheter is not that old. It was just 74 years ago that a young resident pushed a long, thin catheter from a vein in his arm into the right atrium of his heart by himself and documented the whole … The First Cardiac Catheter

Pedicure: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Pedicure is a medical foot care to maintain the health of the skin of the foot with special attention to toenails and calluses. In many cases, it is performed foot care at home under their own direction. Professional foot care by trained professionals is called podiatry. What is pedicure? Pedicure is a medical foot care … Pedicure: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Bursitis of the heel

What is bursitis of the heel? A bursa is a fluid-filled structure. It is located in places where bone and tendon are directly above each other. The bursa in between is intended to reduce friction between the tendon and the bone. In addition, the wider contact surface of the tendon on the bone distributes the … Bursitis of the heel

These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the bursa at the heel | Bursitis of the heel

These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the bursa at the heel Primarily an inflammation of the bursa at the heel is characterized by pain at the heel. This usually occurs during exercise, especially during sports. But the inflamed bursa can also become noticeable when walking. Anyone who has suffered a trauma to the heel and … These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the bursa at the heel | Bursitis of the heel

Therapy | Bursitis of the heel

Therapy The most important part of the therapy of a bursitis of the heel is the protection of the affected foot. Only in this way can the bursa come to rest again. To relieve symptoms such as pain and swelling, the foot can be elevated. Cooling the affected heel is usually also helpful. When walking, … Therapy | Bursitis of the heel

Sex Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Sex therapy is a conversational form of psychotherapy and psychiatry used to treat sexual disorders. The treatment spectrum of sex therapy covers from sexual dysfunction, psychological trauma to pathological manifestations of mild to severe sexual disorders. What is sex therapy? Sex therapy is a conversational form of psychotherapy and psychiatry used to treat sexual disorders. … Sex Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks