Diet for Histamine Intolerance

Histamine is found in many foods. Foods that are particularly high in histamine include aged cheese, salami, red wine, nuts, sauerkraut, and smoked meats. However, the histamine content of a food is not always the same. This is because ripening and fermentation processes can increase the amount of histamine contained in foods.

Histamine liberators: tomatoes and strawberries.

In addition to foods that contain particularly high levels of histamine, there are also said to be foods that cause histamine stored in the body to be released. Such foods, which include tomatoes and strawberries, are called histamine liberators. So far, however, it has not been proven with certainty that some foods actually have this effect in humans.

Finally, sufferers should also avoid foods that contain other biogenic amines. In addition to histamine, serotonin, spermine and putrescine are also biogenic amines. Ingestion of these substances can trigger symptoms in the body similar to those caused by histamine. Under certain circumstances, the breakdown of histamine is also inhibited.

Histamine intolerance: food preparation.

Since the histamine content of foods increases due to ripening processes, foods should always be eaten as fresh as possible. The method of preparation has no effect on histamine content, as histamine is heat- and cold-stable. However, if possible, prepare the food yourself, then it will not contain any hidden additives. Note that some sufferers experience discomfort when eating hot foods, as the heat causes histamine to be released.

Histamine contained in liquids can be absorbed particularly well by the body. This is why drinks such as beer or red wine are particularly harmful and should be avoided at all costs in the case of histamine intolerance. In addition, it is also advisable to avoid alcohol, as it can inhibit the activity of histamine-degrading enzymes.

Histamine intolerance: food list.

Certain foods are not suitable for patients with histamine intolerance because of their high histamine content. During the initial treatment phase, these foods should be avoided at all costs. Whether individual foods can be tolerated again in small quantities at a later stage varies from individual to individual.

In the following food list, we have compiled some foods that you should better avoid in the case of histamine intolerance. However, the list does not claim to be complete. Some of the listed foods contain other biogenic amines that should also be avoided in histamine intolerance.

  • Meat: salami, ham, smoked meat.
  • Fish: canned fish, seafood, not freshly caught fish, frozen fish with interrupted cold chain.
  • Dairy products: Aged cheeses, lactose-free milk.
  • Vegetables: tomatoes, spinach, eggplant, avocado, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables.
  • Fruit: citrus, bananas, pears, kiwi, papaya, raspberries, strawberries, red plums.
  • Protein
  • Wheat products
  • Beans and legumes
  • Sweets: Chocolate, cocoa, marzipan, nougat, snacks, jam.
  • Alcohol: red wine, certain types of beer, sparkling wine.
  • Drinks: black and green tea, energy drinks.
  • Other: nuts (especially walnuts and cashews), vinegar, yeast, hot spices, mushrooms.

Histamine intolerance: compatible foods.

Which foods affected people can eat without problems, is individually different. As a small suggestion, below is a list of foods that are often well tolerated despite histamine intolerance.

  • Meat and fish: Fresh meat and freshly caught fish.
  • Fruit: apples, melons, cherries, apricots, blueberries, cranberries, mango, lychee, currants, peaches.
  • Vegetables: onions, squash, radishes, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, leeks, zucchini, cucumbers, green salad, asparagus, garlic, corn, rhubarb and beet.
  • Grain products: Spelt, rice and corn pasta, yeast-free rye bread, oatmeal, millet, corn and rice flour.
  • Dairy products: Cottage cheese, yogurt, young cheese, cream cheese.
  • Milk substitutes: rice milk, oat milk, coconut milk.