Classification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Classification of perception corresponds to categorization, which helps interpret what is perceived. All human cognitive categories together form the mental representation of the world. Misclassifications of perception occur in the context of delusions. What is classification? Classification is a part of cognitive perceptual processing and is often associated with the expression of categorical perception. Classification … Classification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Paleocortex: Structure, Function & Diseases

The paleocortex is part of the cerebrum. Together with the archicortex, it forms the allocortex. It is responsible for olfactory processing in the brain. What is the paleocortex? The paleocortex or paleocortex is part of the cerebral cortex, the cortex cerebri. The word “paleo” translates to “primeval.” Developmentally, the cerebrum consists of the striatum, paleocortex, … Paleocortex: Structure, Function & Diseases

Play Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

For a child, play represents a crucial role in its development. Through games, it is challenged and encouraged, which is why play therapy has been used and developed as a healing approach for various disorders since 1920. Depending on the type of therapy, specific areas are addressed. What is play therapy? Play therapy is a … Play Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks