Bacterial Meningitis

Symptoms Typical symptoms of bacterial meningitis include high fever, severe headache, and neck stiffness. However, these symptoms do not necessarily all have to be present. The disease may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, skin rash, petechiae, sensitivity to light, and clouding of consciousness, among other symptoms. The infection can lead to blood poisoning and other … Bacterial Meningitis

Symptoms of meningitis

Introduction In the initial phase of the disease, relatively unspecific symptoms usually occur. These include flu-like symptoms such as high fever, aching limbs, headaches, as well as nausea and vomiting. Those affected complain of a severe feeling of illness. The symptoms usually develop within three to four days after infection with the pathogen. Only in … Symptoms of meningitis

Vaccination against meningococcus

What is meningococcal vaccination? Meningococci are bacteria and can cause dangerous infections. These include meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) and sepsis (meningococcal sepsis). Meningococci occur worldwide, but there are different types, the so-called serogroups. In Germany, mainly types B and C occur, but there are also 10 other known serogroups that occur in other regions … Vaccination against meningococcus

Side effects of the vaccination | Vaccination against meningococcus

Side effects of the vaccination As with all vaccinations, local symptoms can occur at the injection site after meningococcal vaccination. These include redness, pain or even hardening. However, these temporary symptoms are usually completely harmless and indicate that the immune system is dealing with the vaccine. In addition, general symptoms such as mild fever, headache, … Side effects of the vaccination | Vaccination against meningococcus

What different vaccinations are there? | Vaccination against meningococcus

What different vaccinations are there? In meningococcal vaccinations, a distinction can be made between conjugated and unconjugated vaccinations. In general, the vaccination is directed against sugar molecules on the surface of the bacteria. These sugar molecules are also contained in the vaccination, so that the immune system can form antibodies against them and react directly … What different vaccinations are there? | Vaccination against meningococcus

Costs and coverage by health insurance companies | Vaccination against meningococcus

Costs and coverage by health insurance companies The costs for the vaccination against meningococcus C are covered by all health insurance companies and are therefore not listed separately. The situation is different with vaccinations against meningococcus B. Here the health insurance often only covers the costs for persons at particular risk. If you have any … Costs and coverage by health insurance companies | Vaccination against meningococcus


Symptoms Meningococcus can cause a life-threatening meningitis, called meningococcal meningitis, and blood poisoning, called meningococemia. The three typical symptoms of meningitis include fever, severe headache and neck stiffness. Other possible symptoms include nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and neurological disorders such as confusion. In infants and young children, symptoms may be absent or difficult to recognize. Sepsis … Meningococcus

Should I have my baby vaccinated?

Introduction Vaccination has the goal of protecting against a transmittable disease as a preventive measure. The effect of the vaccination is based on an immunization against a certain pathogen. For this purpose, the responsible pathogens are injected into the body so that it reacts and produces antibodies against the respective pathogen. Sometimes this can lead … Should I have my baby vaccinated?

Inactivated vaccine | Should I have my baby vaccinated?

Inactivated vaccine Some of the recommended vaccinations are carried out by administering dead vaccines. This term is based on the fact that the vaccine contains killed pathogens or only parts of the pathogen. An advantage over live vaccines is that fewer side effects occur after vaccination with an inactivated vaccine. However, inactivated vaccines protect against … Inactivated vaccine | Should I have my baby vaccinated?