Milk against heartburn – Does it really help?

How should milk work against heartburn? In the case of heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux disease), stomach acid rising into the esophagus irritates the mucous membrane. This causes the typical dull, burning pain behind the breastbone. In addition, there are symptoms such as acidic belching or stomach pain. Many affected persons take home remedies as first aid … Milk against heartburn – Does it really help?

Medical evaluation | Milk against heartburn – Does it really help?

Medical evaluation Since the soothing effect of milk on heartburn is very controversial and the damaging or reinforcing effect on the symptoms is strongly discussed, drinking milk should be avoided in the case of heartburn.Because the constant burping of stomach acid can severely damage the mucous membrane of the esophagus, it is generally best to … Medical evaluation | Milk against heartburn – Does it really help?