
Symptoms Fatigue is a physiological and subjective response of the organism to mental and physical exertion. It is undesirable when it occurs rapidly, frequently, and excessively. Fatigue manifests itself, among other things, in a lack of energy, exhaustion, weakness, listlessness, and reduced performance and motivation. It can also be accompanied by irritability. Fatigue occurs acutely … Fatigue

Diphtheria Causes and Treatment

Symptoms A few days after transmission of the diphtheria bacteria, the disease begins with sore throat and headache, nausea or vomiting, fever, and difficulty swallowing. Later, the typical symptoms appear: Hoarseness, up to voicelessness Whistling breathing (stridor) Barking cough Swelling of the lymph nodes and swelling of the soft tissues of the neck. Coatings of … Diphtheria Causes and Treatment

Streptococcal Angina

Symptoms A typical strep throat starts suddenly with sore throat and swallowing pain and an inflammation of the throat. The tonsils are inflamed, red, swollen, and coated. Further, fever occurs while cough is absent. The cervical lymph nodes are painfully enlarged. Possible accompanying symptoms include headache, muscle aches, abdominal pain, chills, a scarlet-like rash, nausea, … Streptococcal Angina

Homeopathy for whistling glandular fever

Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is a viral infection (Epstein-Barr-Virus) also called “kissing disease”, which mainly affects children and adolescents between the ages of 15 and 19. The disease is transmitted by infectious saliva. As a therapy, absolute physical protection is necessary. Symptoms can be alleviated with homeopathic remedies, primarily the often extreme sore throat with swelling … Homeopathy for whistling glandular fever

Remedy for inflammation and swelling | Homeopathy for whistling glandular fever

Remedy for inflammation and swelling Belladonna (see antipyretic) Phytolacca In acute condition: One dissolves 1 tablet or 5 globules in 1 cup of water and gives of it first every 5 minutes a teaspoon (no metal), extends the break to 1⁄2 to 2 hourly, then end. Apis in acute condition: Dissolve 1 tablet or 5 … Remedy for inflammation and swelling | Homeopathy for whistling glandular fever

Sore Throat

Symptoms Sore throat manifests as an inflamed and irritated throat lining and pain when swallowing or at rest. The palatine tonsils may also be inflamed, swollen, and coated. Possible accompanying symptoms include mucus production, cough, hoarseness, fever, headache, runny nose, eye irritation, feeling sick, and fatigue. Causes The most common cause of sore throat is … Sore Throat

Swollen tonsils due to stress | Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils due to stress Swollen tonsils, as a sign of an activated body’s own defense system, can be caused by stress. In stressful situations, the body releases various hormones that permanently influence the body’s own defense system. Some studies report that permanent negative stress, so-called stress can lead to increased susceptibility to infections. In … Swollen tonsils due to stress | Swollen tonsils

Swallowing difficulties with swollen tonsils | Swollen tonsils

Swallowing difficulties with swollen tonsils Swollen palatal tonsils often cause swallowing difficulties. A swollen lingual tonsil also causes similar complaints. The swallowing problems can be mild to severe. Since the swollen tonsils sometimes very strongly constrict the exit of the oral cavity, eating can be extremely painful to hardly possible. A doctor should definitely be … Swallowing difficulties with swollen tonsils | Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils despite antibiotics | Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils despite antibiotics If, despite antibiotics, a purulent tonsillitis does not heal, a further diagnosis should definitely be made. Viral diseases, including Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, should be excluded. Antibiotics are ineffective for viral diseases. Instead, it is even possible that increased side effects occur. When taking the so-called ampicillin, a skin rash, a so-called … Swollen tonsils despite antibiotics | Swollen tonsils

Homeopathy | Swollen tonsils

Homeopathy Homeopathic treatment is considered effective by some people with swollen tonsils. Treatment should be individual, according to causes and symptoms. It is advisable to seek advice from a specialist. For example, phytolacca can be used when the swollen almonds are dark red, there is stabbing pain, difficulty swallowing, fatigue, the tongue is coated in … Homeopathy | Swollen tonsils