Infectious Mononucleosis (Glandular Fever)

Symptoms Severe sore throat and difficulty swallowing, pharyngitis. Tonsillitis with yellowish-white coatings. Narrowing of the isthmus faucium (constriction formed by the palatal arches). Fever Fatigue Feeling sick, fatigue Lymph node swelling, especially in the neck, armpits and groin. Limb and muscle pain Headache Skin rash (only in about 5%). Lymphocytosis (increased lymphocyte count in the … Infectious Mononucleosis (Glandular Fever)

EBV Therapy

To date, no specific drug against the Epstein-Barr virus has been developed. Therefore, the therapy consists mainly in the treatment of physical complaints. Patients suffering from an EBV infection should take it easy and rest a lot. This gives the body the opportunity to fight the virus itself. Since the Epstein-Barr virus usually leads to … EBV Therapy

Burkitt’s Lymphoma | Epstein-Barr virus causes cancer

Burkitt’s Lymphoma Burkitt’s lymphoma is almost exclusively restricted to Africa and is a large, fast-growing tumor in the neck and face area. Outside of Africa, this tumor rarely occurs in AIDS patients because the immune system fails in the context of HIV infection. This lymphoma also has a good prognosis, as the response to chemotherapy … Burkitt’s Lymphoma | Epstein-Barr virus causes cancer