Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms, Therapy, Prognosis

Brief overview Symptoms: pain, especially in the back, anemia with symptoms such as fatigue, pallor, dizziness and difficulty concentrating, foamy urine, weight loss, increased susceptibility to infection, small skin hemorrhages Causes and risk factors: Genetic changes in plasma cells are thought to be the cause. Risk factors include environmental influences such as ionizing radiation or … Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms, Therapy, Prognosis

Skull: Structure, Function & Diseases

The skull is the term used to describe the bones of the head. In medical parlance, the skull is also called “cranium”. Thus, if a process exists “intracranially” (tumors, bleeding, etc.) according to the doctor, this means “located in the skull“. What is the cranium? One would think that the skull is a single, large, … Skull: Structure, Function & Diseases

Plasmocytoma Therapy

All information given here is of general nature only, a tumor therapy always belongs in the hands of an experienced oncologist! How is the plasmocytoma treated? The therapy of plasmocytoma does not follow fixed criteria. A therapy must always be individually tailored to the patient. It takes into account the patient’s age, state of health, … Plasmocytoma Therapy


All information given here is of general nature only, a tumor therapy always belongs in the hands of an experienced oncologist! Synonyms multiple myeloma, Kahler’s disease, M. Kahler, Kahler ́sche Disease Definition Multiple myeloma, also known synonymously as plasmocytoma, is a malignant disease (tumor) of the B – lymphocytes, which belong to the white blood … Plasmocytoma

Frequency | Plasmocytoma

Frequency Overall, plasmocytoma is a rare disease. The incidence, i.e. the rate of new cases per year, is about 3 per 100,000 inhabitants. Men fall ill slightly more frequently than women. Men are affected more frequently than women, an occurrence before the age of 60 is unusual but possible. As described above, plasmocyte multiple myeloma … Frequency | Plasmocytoma

Metastasis | Plasmocytoma

Metastasis In most cases, the plasmocytoma spreads diffusely throughout the bone marrow and is therefore more or less detectable everywhere. In areas of high activity, so-called osteolysis foci (bone corrosion) become visible on the X-ray image. A spread to other organs is rare. In most cases, lymph nodes are affected. Complications Listed below are common … Metastasis | Plasmocytoma

Plasmocytoma diagnosis

All information given here is of general nature only, a tumor therapy always belongs in the hands of an experienced oncologist!!! The diagnosis can be difficult to make in some cases. In most cases at the beginning of the disease only an increased blood sedimentation rate (BSG), which is caused by the defective protein proteins, … Plasmocytoma diagnosis