Magnesium in Pregnancy

Who wants to become pregnant or is already pregnant, is always looking for nutrition tips, advice on how to behave during pregnancy. Gladly heard are also testimonials from other pregnant women. A not infrequently treated chapter is magnesium in pregnancy. Why do we need magnesium? Pregnant women have an increased need for nutrients, calories, vitamins … Magnesium in Pregnancy

Jaw Clamp

A lockjaw is the inability or restriction to open the mouth. A lockjaw describes only the symptoms and not the illness. If the cause of a lockjaw is a cramping of the chewing muscles, it is called a trismus. The lockjaw can be classified according to its severity or localization. When classified according to severity, … Jaw Clamp

Jaw lock vs. lockjaw – What is the difference? | Jaw Clamp

Jaw lock vs. lockjaw – What is the difference? The term “lockjaw” and “lockjaw” are often confused, but they are fundamentally different: Jaw-clamp is a symptomatology that describes that the mouth opening is restricted and disturbed. Mandibular lockjaws have many different possible causes, which makes it difficult to determine the location of the symptoms. It … Jaw lock vs. lockjaw – What is the difference? | Jaw Clamp


Benzodiazepine is a drug that acts in the CNS and has an anxiolytic and sedative effect. Effect Stimulating and inhibiting nerve fibres and nerve cells coexist in the CNS. The associated messenger substances (transmitters) also have an excitatory or inhibitory effect. The main transmitter of the inhibiting nerve fibres is GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). This substance … Benzodiazepines