Diagnosis | Stabbing in the right breast – what can that be?

Diagnosis In the context of a diagnosis, special importance is initially attached to the medical consultation. Here, the physician hopes to obtain specific indications based on information about the time, duration, trigger and possible activities to clarify the stabbing pain in the right breast. Due to the broad spectrum of potential causes, a detailed clinical … Diagnosis | Stabbing in the right breast – what can that be?

The occurrence of pain during pregnancy | Stabbing in the right breast – what can that be?

The occurrence of pain during pregnancy Especially in the late phase of pregnancy, pressure-related pain symptoms may occur in the right breast. As a pregnancy progresses, the uterus (uterus) moves more and more upwards and exerts pressure on the other organ systems in the abdominal cavity. Since the liver, with an organ weight of 1200-1400 … The occurrence of pain during pregnancy | Stabbing in the right breast – what can that be?