Childhood Emotional Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Childhood emotional disorders are a group of mental illnesses that occur in children and adolescents. The disorders are particularly characterized by anxiety. What are childhood emotional disorders? According to the ICD-10 classification system, all disorders that show an intensification of normal development belong to childhood emotional disorders. In the foreground is the fear of a … Childhood Emotional Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Catatonic Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Catatonic schizophrenia is one of the different types of schizophrenia. It involves psychomotor disturbances. What is catatonic schizophrenia? Catatonic schizophrenia refers to a rare type of schizophrenia. In this variant, affected individuals suffer from psychomotor disorders. Typical manifestations are disturbances of the posture as well as the movement sequences. But other symptoms of schizophrenia also … Catatonic Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mutism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mutism is a speech disorder that mostly has no physical causes, such as defects in hearing or problems with the vocal cords. This speech disorder is therefore something completely different from that seen in deaf-mutes. The cause is a mental disorder or damage to the brain. Mutism is divided into (s)elective mutism, total mutism and … Mutism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mutism in Children

In familiar surroundings, it plays with its siblings and parents, laughs and romps. However, if a person suddenly comes along, the behavior changes abruptly: Suddenly, the child can no longer utter a word, he or she remains silent, looks away, “locks out” completely. Do you also know this from your offspring? Your child may be … Mutism in Children

Mutism: Therapy and Consequences

The entire linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional development is affected by mutistic behavior. This has consequences for personality development, ego identity and self-confidence. The affected person has difficulties at school, in training or at work and is partly avoided by other people. Therapy for mutism Mutism requires multifactorial therapy that takes several aspects into account. … Mutism: Therapy and Consequences