Pollen allergy

Definition A pollen allergy is the hypersensitive reaction to components of different plant pollen. The pollen allergy is popularly called “hay fever“, in technical terms it is called “allergic rhinitis”. In most cases, the disease begins in early childhood and usually accompanies those affected throughout their lives. It is assumed that the rate of illness … Pollen allergy

Duration of a pollen allergy | Pollen allergy

Duration of a pollen allergy The duration of the allergy is unlimited. Many affected persons suffer from the pollen allergy for life. However, since different pollen are only present in the air at certain months of the year, the duration of the symptoms varies greatly. The pollen flight generally lasts from January to September. However, … Duration of a pollen allergy | Pollen allergy

Fever and sore throat

What is fever and sore throat? Fever refers to an increased body temperature. The definition of fever is not entirely uniform. Often, fever is already mentioned from 38°C. In the medical field (hospitals, doctor’s surgeries), fever in adults is usually only referred to from a body temperature of 38.5°C. Temperatures between 37.1°C and 38.4°C are … Fever and sore throat