What accompanying symptoms occur? | Spinal column arthrosis – How is it treated?

What accompanying symptoms occur? Spinal osteoarthritis manifests itself mainly through pain in the spine. In the early stages, one speaks of so-called “tarnishing pain“. These occur in the morning after getting up. When the spinal column suddenly has to carry the body weight again, the individual vertebral bodies are pressed together more strongly. When they … What accompanying symptoms occur? | Spinal column arthrosis – How is it treated?

This is how the diagnosis is made | Spinal column arthrosis – How is it treated?

This is how the diagnosis is made The diagnosis of spinal osteoarthritis consists of a specific anamnesis as well as a physical examination to assess the mobility of the spine. In addition, the functions of the nerves must always be tested. Attention is paid to loss of muscle function or sensory disturbances. Imaging is also … This is how the diagnosis is made | Spinal column arthrosis – How is it treated?


Introduction Tramundin® is a drug from the group of opioids and is used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain of various causes due to its analgesic effect. It is not a pure opioid, as it also exerts its analgesic effect via another mechanism similar to that of antidepressants. Tramadol is the active ingredient … Tramundin®

Side effects | Tramundin®

Side effects The opioid receptors as the target of Tramundin® are localized at some organs in the body, which results in the manifold and sometimes serious side effects that should be considered before taking Tramundin®. The influence on the above-mentioned messenger quantities further extends the spectrum of possible undesirable side effects. The most common adverse … Side effects | Tramundin®