What is the life expectancy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma? | Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

What is the life expectancy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma?

The life expectancy of the individual non-Hodgkin lymphomas is very different and therefore no general statement can be made. On the one hand, it depends on how malignant and how advanced the non-Hodgkin lymphoma is at the time of diagnosis. In the following, the life expectancies for some common non-Hodgkin lymphomas are given.

You will find detailed information under: Prognosis for lymphoma

  • Follicular lymphoma has a life expectancy of approximately 10 years at the time of diagnosis.
  • The life expectancy of mantle cell lymphoma is lower at about 5 years.
  • With multiple myeloma, many factors play a role in the calculation of life expectancy, making it difficult to make a statement. In the best case, in young patients with optimal therapy, about 50% of patients survive the next 10 years.
  • Burkitt’s lymphoma can lead to death within months if diagnosed late, whereas early detection with directly connected therapy shows a good life expectancy. However, this good prognosis is worsened as soon as a second tumor occurs, which is not untypical for Burkitt’s lymphoma.
  • The mycosis fungoides belongs to the less malignant lymphomas and therefore the life expectancy in early stages is good. However, if invasive growth into other organs occurs, life expectancy will be significantly reduced.

What are the chances of recovery?

When considering the chances of cure, the malignancy of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma must be considered. For the less malignant lymphomas, healing can only be assumed in the early stages. The slow growth makes the therapy very difficult, so that only the small findings can be completely cured with radiation.

In the higher stages there is no chance of a cure and this is not the aim of the therapy. The malignant non-Hodgkin lymphomas are curable to a very high percentage in early stages. Even in advanced stages, a cure can be expected in up to 60% of cases. This topic might also be of interest to you: Prognosis in lymphoma