Ammonium Nitrate

Products Ammonium nitrate is available as a pure substance in specialty stores. It is included in instant refrigerated bags sold as medical devices. Some products also contain calcium ammonium nitrate. Structure and properties Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3, Mr = 80.04 g/mol) exists as a white, crystalline, and odorless powder that is readily soluble in water. Structure: … Ammonium Nitrate

Inhalation Anesthetics

Products Inhalation anesthetics are commercially available as volatile liquids or as gases for inhalation. Structure and properties Most inhalation anesthetics are halogenated ethers or hydrocarbons. Also used are inorganic compounds such as the gaseous nitrous oxide. The halogenated representatives exist as volatile liquids with a different boiling point. Because of their odor and irritant properties, … Inhalation Anesthetics

Fear of Injections

Symptoms Shortly after an injection, some patients may experience the following symptoms: Pallor Malaise Dry mouth Cold sweat Low blood pressure Drowsiness, dizziness, confusion Nausea Fainting, syncope (short-lasting circulatory collapse). Convulsions (seizures) ECG changes Falls, accidents These disorders occur, for example, shortly after a vaccination, after parenteral administration of drugs, during acupuncture or blood sampling. … Fear of Injections

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Causes

Background Vitamin B12 can be produced exclusively by microorganisms and is found primarily in animal sources of protein, such as meat, liver, kidney, fish, oysters, milk, in dairy products and egg yolks. It plays an essential role in DNA synthesis, the formation of red blood cells and mucous membranes, and in myelination in the nervous … Vitamin B12 Deficiency Causes


Products Legally, a distinction can be made between legal intoxicants (e.g., alcohol, nicotine) and prohibited substances (e.g., many hallucinogens, some amphetamines, opioids). Some substances, such as the opioids or the benzodiazepines, are used as drugs and are legally available with a doctor’s prescription. However, their use as intoxicants is not intended and is therefore referred … Intoxicant

Medical Gases

Active ingredients Argon Breathing air Carbon dioxide Air for medical use Artificial air for medical use Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) Oxycarbon medizinal (oxygen 95%, carbon dioxide 5%). Oxygen Nitrogen Nitric oxide

Nitrous Oxide

Products Nitrous oxide (chemical name: dinitrogen monoxide) is commercially available as an inhalation gas as a monopreparation and as a fixed combination with oxygen. It has been used medicinally since 1844. Structure and properties Nitrous oxide (N2O, Mr = 44.01 g/mol) exists as a colorless gas with a sweetish odor, obtained from ammonium nitrate by … Nitrous Oxide


Products Nitrogen is commercially available as a compressed gas in pressurized cylinders and as a liquid in cryogenic containers, among other products. Structure and properties Nitrogen (N, atomic mass: 14.0 u) is a colorless and odorless gas that is present in over 78% of air. It is a chemical element with atomic number 7 and … Nitrogen

Laughing gas

Introduction The chemical name of laughing gas is nitrous oxide, the chemical structural formula is N2O. Laughing gas is a colorless gas and comes from the chemical group of nitrogen oxides. It was already synthesized in the 17th century and is therefore one of the oldest anaesthetics in the world. Laughing gas is produced by … Laughing gas