Bursitis of the elbow

Bursitis olecrani, colloquial: students elbow Bursitis olecrani is a painful inflammation of the bursa located just under the skin in the area of the elbow, which can be septic (with bacterial colonization) or aseptic. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of the clinical symptoms, the chances of recovery are very good with adequate … Bursitis of the elbow


Synonyms Processus coronoideus, olecranon, processus styloideus ulnae, stylus process, elbow Medical: ulna Ulna (ulna) Spoke (radius) Wrist Stylus process (Processus styloidus ulnae) Function The ulna forms the elbow joint with the humerus. This is a hinge joint. At the wrist the ulna and the stylus process form a small part of the wrist. X-ray image … Elle