

Processus coronoideus, olecranon, processus styloideus ulnae, stylus process, elbow Medical: ulna

  • Ulna (ulna)
  • Spoke (radius)
  • Wrist
  • Stylus process (Processus styloidus ulnae)


The ulna forms the elbow joint with the humerus. This is a hinge joint. At the wrist the ulna and the stylus process form a small part of the wrist. X-ray image of the elbow:

  • Radius head of the spoke
  • Olecranon of the ulna

Diseases of the ulna

Above the olecranon there is the bursa of the elbow joint. This bursa can become inflamed (bursitis olecrani). If this inflammation cannot be contained conservatively, the bursa must be surgically removed.

A radius fracture near the wrist (distal radius fracture) may also result in a fracture of the styloid process (ulnar styloid process). These tear-off fractures often do not heal even after immobilization with a plaster cast. Arthrosis of the elbow joint is rare, since the elbow joint does not bear any load.

Arthrosis of the elbow joint (= cubital arthrosis) is more often found in patients with an underlying rheumatic disease or in patients with professions that require a high physical load on the elbow joint (e.g. : construction workers). A frequent disease of the elbow joint is tennis elbow. This is a very painful inflammation of the tendons of the forearm extensor muscles of the elbow joint, more precisely of the humerus near the elbow.

As a rule, the cause of tennis elbow is a combination of overload and wear and tear. You can find more information under: Tennis ElbowThe golfer’s elbow is the partner to tennis elbow. In contrast to tennis elbow, the golfer’s elbow is a painful inflammation of the tendon attachment (med. enthesiopathy) of the forearm flexor muscles. You can find more information under our topic: Golf elbow