Orthomol Immun®

Orthomol Immun® is a dietary food used for special medical situations. It is taken to strengthen the immune system, for example in the case of infections. In the case of certain diseases or certain therapies, the immune system is weakened. Even then, the existing immune deficiency can be treated with Orthomol Immun®. An example of … Orthomol Immun®

Dosage forms | Orthomol Immun®

Dosage forms Orthomol Immun® can be taken in various forms. Orthomol Immun® can be drunk in a bottle. The contents of a bottle should be taken daily with or after a meal. One drinking bottle corresponds to the recommended daily dose. Orthomol Immun® is also available as a granulate. Per day, the contents of a … Dosage forms | Orthomol Immun®

Side effects | Orthomol Immun®

Side effects No particular side effects are known. The vitamin C contained in the product may cause a stronger bowel movement. Furthermore, the beta-carotene contained in Orthomol Immun® can stain the patient’s urine yellowish orange. All articles in this series: Orthomol Immun® Dosage forms Side effects

Which globules strengthen the immune system? | Which drugs strengthen the immune system?

Which globules strengthen the immune system? In addition to the above mentioned preparations, various globules can be taken as part of a self-treatment. These can be used especially when general, relatively unspecific disease symptoms such as headaches, coughs and sore throats occur. It is important to note that these are homeopathic preparations. In the case … Which globules strengthen the immune system? | Which drugs strengthen the immune system?