
In the past, the pox viruses often caused the infectious disease of smallpox (synonym: Blattern, Variola), which years ago often led to complications and in severe cases even to death. Because of the enormously high risk of infection, the smallpox viruses were formerly the trigger of several epidemics. Cause An infection with the smallpox virus … Smallpox

Diagnosis | Smallpox

Diagnosis In order to be able to make a diagnosis of a smallpox infection, it is first of all important that the doctor asks the patient about possible stays abroad, in case there is another outbreak of a smallpox epidemic in another country. Since patients usually do not go to the doctor until the first … Diagnosis | Smallpox

Therapy | Smallpox

Therapy There is no suitable therapy against a smallpox infection; at best, one can only try to alleviate the patient’s symptoms and additionally administer fiber-reducing agents or pain-relieving medication. If the patient notices the infection in time, he is isolated so that no other patients are infected. In addition, the patient can be injected with … Therapy | Smallpox