Induce Birth

There are different reasons why a birth has to be induced. The fact is: nowadays, the initiation of birth is no longer an exceptional occurrence. And in many cases, the induction of labor is also a redemptive step for the mother, finally being able to end the pregnancy or hold the unborn child in her … Induce Birth

Meconium Aspiration: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In modern medicine, the term meconium aspiration refers to the so-called respiratory distress syndrome in newborns. Respiratory distress syndrome appears immediately after the birth of the newborn and is always due to impaired lung function. What is meconium aspiration? In approximately 10 to 15 percent of all recorded births, a condition called meconium aspiration occurs. … Meconium Aspiration: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Fall Birth

A fall birth is when the baby is born unusually quickly – that is, in a period of less than two hours. The mother has only a few pushing contractions as part of the precipitous birth. The risk of injury is increased – for both mother and baby. Although the risk of a fall birth … Fall Birth

Plate Atelectasis | Atelectasis

Plate Atelectasis The so-called plate atelectases are flat, a few centimetres long, strip-shaped atelectases that are not bound to the lung segments and are often located above the diaphragm in the lower sections of the lung. Plate atelectases occur particularly in diseases of the abdominal cavity, for example as a result of an abdominal operation … Plate Atelectasis | Atelectasis


Synonyms Ventilation deficit, collapsed lung section Introduction The term “atelectatic” refers to a part of the lung that is not ventilated. This part contains little or no air in its alveoli. A segment, lobe or even an entire lung can be affected. To perform its function, the lungs must be well supplied with blood and … Atelectasis


A polytrauma is the simultaneous injury of several body regions, whereby according to Tscherne’s definition at least one of these injuries is life-threatening. According to the “Injury Severity Score”, a patient is considered to be boyltraumatized with an ISS >16 points. 80% of all polytraumas occur as a result of a traffic accident (motorcycle, car … Polytrauma

Testicular torsion

Introduction Testicular torsion is one of the most frequent and important urological emergencies. Torsion, according to the Latin torquere (to turn), refers to a rotation or twisting around its own axis. This is also the case with testicular torsion, which usually leads immediately to an undersupply of the tissue. Torsion of the testis is therefore … Testicular torsion