Night Work

Background According to the Labor Law, shift work refers to employees working staggered and alternately at the same workplace: “Shift work occurs when two or more groups of employees are assigned to work staggered and alternately at the same workplace according to a specific schedule.” This definition also refers to work during the day. From … Night Work

Fear of Injections

Symptoms Shortly after an injection, some patients may experience the following symptoms: Pallor Malaise Dry mouth Cold sweat Low blood pressure Drowsiness, dizziness, confusion Nausea Fainting, syncope (short-lasting circulatory collapse). Convulsions (seizures) ECG changes Falls, accidents These disorders occur, for example, shortly after a vaccination, after parenteral administration of drugs, during acupuncture or blood sampling. … Fear of Injections


Symptoms Acute stress manifests itself in the following physiological reactions of the organism, among others: Increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Increased blood flow and energy supply to skeletal muscles. Fast breathing Decreased activity of the intestine and urogenital tract. Reduced sex drive General activation, tension Pupil dilation Complications Unlike acute and positively experienced … Stress

Sleeping pills

Synonyms Hypnotic, SedativeThe group of drugs commonly known as sleeping pills covers a wide range of active ingredients used to treat insomnia or sleep disorders. On the one hand, there are herbal remedies that are said to have a calming effect, on the other hand, there are also drugs that are used, for example, as … Sleeping pills

Melatonin | Sleeping pills

Melatonin Melatonin is an endogenous hormone that is produced in the central nervous system. The synthetically produced variant of the hormone can be used as a treatment option for sleep disorders. Effect The formation of melatonin is inhibited by light. Therefore the melatonin level in the central nervous system rises in darkness. Melatonin serves as … Melatonin | Sleeping pills

Other sleeping pills | Sleeping pills

Other sleeping pills Apart from those mentioned, there are other drugs that are used as sleeping pills, but usually only if the sleep disorder occurs in combination with an additional illness. Thus, some antidepressants (for example amitriptyline, trimipramine and mirtazapine) can be used in patients with sleep disorders in the context of depression. Neuroleptics such … Other sleeping pills | Sleeping pills