Pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy (synonym: gravidity, gestation; Latin: graviditatis) represents an absolute state of emergency for the woman’s body, even if it is a completely natural one. In a period of 9 months (288 days) the fertilized egg cell matures into a child. Pregnancies can take many different forms. While some women spend the time until the birth … Pain during pregnancy

Gestures | Pain during pregnancy

Gestures The term gestosis generally refers to pregnancy-related diseases with an unclear cause. A distinction is made between early gestosis, which occurs in the first trimester (the first three months of pregnancy), and late gestosis, which manifests itself in the last trimester. Early gestation usually manifests itself as hyperemesis gravidarum (excessive vomiting on an empty … Gestures | Pain during pregnancy

Pelvic pain during pregnancy | Pain during pregnancy

Pelvic pain during pregnancy During pregnancy, the woman’s pelvis is exposed to great stress. It is estimated that one out of 600 pregnant women suffer a so-called symphysis loosening during their pregnancy. Symphyseal loosening is an extremely painful procedure, which causes pain in the pubic bone during and after pregnancy. The symphysis is the anterior … Pelvic pain during pregnancy | Pain during pregnancy

“maternal ligament pain” during pregnancy | Pain during pregnancy

“maternal ligament pain” during pregnancy This term describes a rather unspecific symptomatology. It is a stabbing and pulling pain in the abdomen, which can occur from about 20 weeks of pregnancy. Basically, such pain can have very different causes. One of them is a painful stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus. These include … “maternal ligament pain” during pregnancy | Pain during pregnancy