Pelvic ring fracture

Introduction The pelvic ring fracture refers to a fracture of the bone that interrupts the integrity of the so-called pelvic ring. The term “pelvic ring” (Cingulum membri pelvini) is derived from a cross-sectional view of the pelvis in which the pelvic bones are contiguous and arranged in a ring shape. The pelvic ring represents the … Pelvic ring fracture

Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture | Pubic bone branchial fracture

Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture Unfortunately, some unpleasant complications can occur with a pubic bone branchial fracture. One of them is massive bleeding due to torn veins. Injured soft tissues and organs such as the bladder or internal genitals can delay the healing process and, under certain circumstances, result in permanent functional and … Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture | Pubic bone branchial fracture