Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture | Pubic bone branchial fracture

Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture

Unfortunately, some unpleasant complications can occur with a pubic bone branchial fracture. One of them is massive bleeding due to torn veins. Injured soft tissues and organs such as the bladder or internal genitals can delay the healing process and, under certain circumstances, result in permanent functional and movement restrictions. Impotence could be mentioned here as an example. It can also happen that nerves are damaged when a hernia is broken, resulting in sensitivity and movement disorders in the hip region and legs.

Duration of healing

Usually it takes about 6-8 weeks until the hernia is healed to the extent that one can move again without pain. However, a complete healing takes about 12 weeks. Protecting or supporting the pelvis with an orthosis can accelerate the healing process. In the case of complicated fractures or displaced fracture segments, healing is delayed and can also lead to permanent incorrect posture in the pelvis.