Sports | Pericarditis

Sports During an acute inflammation no sports should be done in any case. There is no need to stay in bed, but you should take it easy. Frequently, the accompanying pain alone leads to a refusal to do sports. The inflammation is usually healed after one to two weeks. Then you can start with sports … Sports | Pericarditis

Alcohol for pericardial inflammation | Pericarditis

Alcohol for pericardial inflammation In order for the body to recover sufficiently from pericarditis, or to allow it to heal, the consumption of alcohol during an acute illness should be avoided. Furthermore, alcoholics are statistically more likely to develop pericarditis. The heart can be more susceptible to disease, and infections such as pneumonia can be … Alcohol for pericardial inflammation | Pericarditis

Chest pain in the woman

Chest pain causes fear and discomfort for most people. As it is common knowledge that chest pain occurs during a heart attack, it is mainly associated with that symptomatology. Although on average men are more likely to have heart attacks, women are equally concerned when chest pain occurs. In women, an important gender difference comes … Chest pain in the woman

Chest pain caused by the pill | Chest pain in the woman

Chest pain caused by the pill The pill is a hormonal contraceptive. Depending on its chemical composition, it influences the different hormones in women. Oestrogen, one of the hormones, promotes, among other things, the build-up of fatty tissue in the breast, which makes it larger. Pills that influence the oestrogen level therefore also have an … Chest pain caused by the pill | Chest pain in the woman


Definition and function The pericardium, also called pericardium in medicine, is a bag made of connective tissue that surrounds the heart, except for the outgoing vessels. The pericardium serves as a protective cover and prevents the heart from expanding excessively. Anatomy and position The pericardium consists of two layers: the layer that lies directly on … Pericardium

Pericarditis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

As varied as the possible causes of pericarditis or pericarditis are, so are the respective treatment options. With usually good chances of cure, prevention is difficult. What is pericarditis? The pericardium is a tissue envelope that surrounds the heart. This tissue envelope is also called the pericardium. In medicine, pericarditis is therefore also referred to … Pericarditis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment