Auricle: Structure, Function & Diseases

The pinna is the outer part of the ear, which is individually shaped in each person. It has both functionally important and non-functional parts (for example, earlobe). Diseases of the auricles are often the result of mechanical action, injury, piercings, insect bites, or surgery. What is an auricle? The auricle identifies the externally visible part … Auricle: Structure, Function & Diseases

What to do for Bone Fractures?

Children are very active, injure themselves easily and sometimes break a bone. When it comes to fractures, however, they have an advantage over adults: because fractures in children grow together more quickly and usually without complications due to the still very active bone metabolism and better blood circulation. Moreover, in young children, the bone can … What to do for Bone Fractures?

Bone reconstruction

Synonyms Bone structure, bone formation, skeleton Medical: Os The braided bone and the Lamellar bones The periosteum is located on the outside, This is followed by the layer of compacta and then The layer of cancellous bone. The inner periosteum (endosteum) still lies on the inside. The periosteum consists of a taut, mesh-like collagenous layer … Bone reconstruction

Periostitis at the hip

Definition A periosteal inflammation of the hip comprises a multitude of involved structures. Since the hip is actually the joint between the thigh bone and the pelvic bone, there are also two potential bones where periosteitis can occur. The periosteitis itself is an inflammatory attack of the outer bone layer – also called periosteum. External … Periostitis at the hip

These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the periosteum at the hip | Periostitis at the hip

These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the periosteum at the hip Inflammation of the periosteum is mainly characterized by pain in the affected region. In the case of the hip, however, the pain can also migrate to the groin region or to the outside of the thigh. Depending on the extent of the inflammation, the … These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the periosteum at the hip | Periostitis at the hip