These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the periosteum at the hip | Periostitis at the hip

These symptoms indicate an inflammation of the periosteum at the hip

Inflammation of the periosteum is mainly characterized by pain in the affected region. In the case of the hip, however, the pain can also migrate to the groin region or to the outside of the thigh. Depending on the extent of the inflammation, the hip may become overheated.

It then feels noticeably warmer than its surroundings. Reddening is rather unlikely in the case of periosteitis of the hip; on the other hand, the affected bones are covered with too much muscle and fat. However, a blood test can provide further indications for the doctor.

An increased number of inflammatory cells and an elevated CRP value (inflammation parameter) suggest the suspicion of an inflammation. This fact must then only be associated with the painful hip. Pain is usually the first symptom and at this stage should also be interpreted as a warning signal.

The body wants to convey that the periosteum is irritated and that one should take care. Often it is mechanical over-irritation that damages the periosteum, but does not yet cause complete inflammation. The pain will subside at this early stage, as long as you take it easy. However, if the already irritated area is stressed even further, an inflammation may result, which then causes permanent pain. With the help of anti-inflammatory painkillers, however, these can be treated quite well.

Why does periosteitis on the hip occur so frequently with bursitis on the hip?

As mentioned above, the long tendon strand on the outside of the thigh – the iliotibial tractus – and the bony prominence on the thigh – the greater trochanter – are separated by a bursa so that they cannot rub against each other. Overloading in this area, e.g. due to incorrect walking posture or the like, always irritates the bursa before the actual periosteum is affected. This spatial proximity to each other also explains why one of the two inflammations usually also causes an inflammation of the other.