Consequences of smoking

Introduction Smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products is still one of the most common means of consumption in Germany, despite its clearly damaging influence. Approximately 30% of Germans smoke regularly, despite the knowledge of the harmful consequences of smoking in every respect. The consequences of smoking include health restrictions that directly affect the smoker. In … Consequences of smoking


What is a gangrene? Gangrene comes from the Greek and means “that which eats away”. This name originated from the outward appearance of a gangrene and the partly very fast spreading of it. A gangrene is a tissue necrosis in which the skin dies and then dissolves and changes. In former times gangrene was also … Gangrene

Causes | Gangrene

Causes The most common cause of gangrene is a reduced blood supply to tissues far from the body (peripheral), such as feet and fingers, caused by systemic factors. These are mainly diabetes, smoking and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Gangrene of the internal organs is usually caused by a spontaneously occurring inflammation of the respective … Causes | Gangrene

Diagnosis | Gangrene

Diagnosis Gangrene is usually a so-called clinical diagnosis. This means that physicians can make the diagnosis after a detailed inspection and physical examination. In most cases a gangrene is even a gaze diagnosis, which means that only a short glance is necessary to make a suspected diagnosis. In addition, a smear of the gangrene is … Diagnosis | Gangrene

Healing time and prognosis | Gangrene

Healing time and prognosis The most important principle in the therapy of gangrene is that it can only heal if the cause is eliminated. If this is the case, for example, because a migrated blood clot (embolism) was responsible for it and it was removed, the healing time depends on how far advanced the gangrene … Healing time and prognosis | Gangrene

Pain in the legs

Introduction Pain in the legs can occur in various places and have numerous causes. Since the leg consists of different bones as well as numerous muscles, nerves and vessels, all these structures can be diseased or injured and cause pain. Joint problems in the hip joint or knee joint, bone fractures or circulatory problems are … Pain in the legs

Diagnostics | Pain in the legs

Diagnostics In most cases, leg pain is a harmless muscle ache caused by overloading. In this case an exact diagnosis is unnecessary and the pain disappears after a short time. However, if the pain lasts longer, is very severe or one or more joints are swollen, a doctor should examine the leg. The leg should … Diagnostics | Pain in the legs

Therapy | Pain in the legs

Therapy The diagnosis is followed by the therapy. This is usually only useful if an exact diagnosis has been made and the symptoms persist. Ointment bandages or bandages are often sufficient for minor muscular injuries. If there are more serious injuries such as broken bones, a plaster cast must be applied. In some cases, surgical … Therapy | Pain in the legs

The smoker’s leg – peripheral arterial occlusive disease

Definition – What is a smoker’s leg? In the smoker’s leg, vascular damage occurs due to smoking or due to the substances that the body absorbs over the years when smoking. This leads to circulatory disorders, also known as peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAD). A smoker’s leg typically has open skin areas that heal poorly … The smoker’s leg – peripheral arterial occlusive disease

At what age do you get a smoker’s leg? | The smoker’s leg – peripheral arterial occlusive disease

At what age do you get a smoker’s leg? When a smoker’s leg develops is less dependent on the age of the affected person, but more on the duration and quantity of cigarette consumption. Although age, blood pressure, eating habits, stress, etc. play a role in the development of the smoker’s leg, smoking is the … At what age do you get a smoker’s leg? | The smoker’s leg – peripheral arterial occlusive disease