2. surgical therapy | TherapyTreatment of hip dysplasia

2. surgical therapy Surgical treatment measures for hip dysplasia are usually only applied after failure of the above mentioned conservative therapies. Interventions in the area of the acetabular roof are often combined with positional corrections of the femoral head at the femoral neck. In this case, derotative varisating femoral neck corrections (DVO) with corrections of … 2. surgical therapy | TherapyTreatment of hip dysplasia

Aseptic bone necrosis

Definition – What is aseptic bone necrosis? Bone necrosis refers to the loss of tissue from a bone. The bone cells die and leave behind a weakened tissue structure. This dying off is called necrosis. The term aseptic serves to distinguish it from infectious bone necrosis, which is caused by pathogens such as bacteria. In … Aseptic bone necrosis

These aspectic bone necroses are present in childhood | Aseptic bone necrosis

These aspectic bone necroses are present in childhood Torso: Scheuermann’s disease (spinal column) Arms: Panner’s disease (elbows, humerus) Legs Hip: Perthes disease (necrosis of the femoral head) Knee: Osgood-Schlatter disease (tibial head), Sinding-Larsen disease (kneecap), Blount disease (tibial head) Foot: Talus necrosis, I disease (scaphoid), II disease (metatarsus), Apophysitis calcanei Torso: Scheuermann’s disease (spinal column) … These aspectic bone necroses are present in childhood | Aseptic bone necrosis

Diagnosis | Aseptic bone necrosis

Diagnosis The diagnosis of aseptic bone necrosis can usually be made based on the specific constellation of symptoms. The symptoms occur due to increased stress or especially in childhood. Typical are pains at rest, which are intensified by stress. Only a few of the bone necroses can be identified by certain tests during physical examination. … Diagnosis | Aseptic bone necrosis

Forecast | Aseptic bone necrosis

Forecast The prognosis of aseptic bone necrosis is good, provided that the necrosis is detected at a rather early stage. With a sufficient resting period, the bone can usually regenerate completely. Even after this, however, one should be alert if the affected body part causes pain again, as the blood circulation situation may not yet … Forecast | Aseptic bone necrosis

Growth pains

Definition Growth pain is the term used to describe pain occurring mainly in the lower limbs during the growth phase between the ages of four and eighteen. Growth pain typically occurs in the evening and at night. The pain is usually brief and subsides on its own. The growth pain is not due to any … Growth pains

Duration | Growth pains

Duration The symptoms usually occur in children between five and ten years of age. A pain attack usually lasts about ten to fifteen minutes, but can sometimes last an hour. The pain usually occurs in the evening or at night. The following morning the children have no more complaints. The pain attacks usually occur over … Duration | Growth pains

Epidemiology | Growth pains

Epidemiology Those affected are in the growth phase, which, depending on the source, can be placed in a range from the fourth to the eighteenth year of life. In some cases, the pain already occurs in two and three-year-old infants. Girls and boys are equally affected. Depending on the population, frequencies of 4-37% occur in … Epidemiology | Growth pains

Therapy | Growth pains

Therapy Growing pains are unclear, frequently occurring non-malignant pains, which occur particularly in the area of muscles, joints and bones. Many infants often complain of pain at night and especially in babies, these complaints can be accompanied by nightly restlessness and tearfulness. For babies who find it difficult to sleep, are particularly restless and do … Therapy | Growth pains