Shiny Lacquer Porling: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Glossy Lackporling is one of the oldest natural remedies. It stands out for its unusual coloration and, unlike other mushrooms, it cannot be used to prepare meals. Shiny lacquer porling has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for about 4000 years for the treatment and prophylaxis of various diseases.

Occurrence and cultivation of the shiny lacquer porling.

The annual mushroom is revered in Asia for its various healing properties. In Japan it is called Reishi, and in China it is called Ling Zhi (“mushroom of immortality”) in allusion to its anti-aging effect. The shiny lacquer fungus (Ganoderma lucidum) belongs to the family of lacquer fungus relatives (Ganodermataceae). The annual mushroom is revered in Asia for its various healing properties. In Japan it is called Reishi, in China it is called Ling Zhi (“mushroom of immortality”) in allusion to its anti-aging effect. Used as a talisman, it brings long life and good luck to the home. The German name comes from its appearance: the medicinal mushroom has a shiny surface similar to varnish in various colorings from yellowish to red-black. The most effective are the red-black shiny lacquer porcini. The mushroom grows in a fan shape at the base of deciduous trees and sometimes also colonizes conifers. Sporadically, hikers also find it on roadsides. Its surface is covered with concentric furrows. The whitish underside has pores. Ganoderma lucidum usually grows stalkless on the bark of trees. Its mushroom flesh cannot be used for food preparation because of its hard consistency and tastes bitter. The health-promoting mushroom is found in Europe and Asia. Since the Asian stocks are almost completely harvested, it is cultivated there. Ganoderma lucidum also develops the coveted antler shape there.

Effect and application

Glossy Lackporling has an almost universal effect, which is further enhanced with the additional intake of vitamin C. Already 400 bio-active substances have been proven. The mushroom contains about 150 triterpenes (bitter substances), 100 polysaccharides, fats, plant proteins, carbohydrates, alkaloids, ergosterol (a vitamin D2 precursor), calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper and germanium. It has anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects and strengthens the immune system. For example, it prevents the penetration of herpes simplex and herpes zoster viruses into the host cell. In the case of pre-existing shingles, glossy spurge relieves the severe pain and allows the rash to heal thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory properties. Shiny lacquer mushroom has an expectorant and cough suppressant effect. Its anti-allergenic properties are used to treat asthma. Reishi lowers elevated blood pressure and normalizes total cholesterol levels. It improves heart function by ensuring that the heart muscle can absorb 1.5 times more oxygen. The traditional Chinese remedy also prevents platelets from clumping together, thus protecting against thrombosis. The shiny lacquer mushroom stimulates insulin secretion and promotes digestion and detoxification: thanks to its high germanium content, the blood and liver are cleansed and metabolic waste products and toxins are eliminated. It also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy. Blood damaged by radiation therapy is improved by stimulating blood cell production. Reishi is also used in adjunctive cancer therapy: The proteins it contains have a cancer-inhibiting effect, while the polysaccharides have an immune-stimulating effect. Triterpenes kill cancer cells. The shiny lacquer mushroom is used internally and externally. The patient can buy it powdered in capsule and tablet form. The freshly picked mushroom can be cut into strips and boiled up covered. The patient drinks one cup of the homemade mushroom tea daily with the meal. The extract is applied to wounds and insect bites with a brush. In addition, the shiny lacquer mushroom is still found as an additive in cosmetics, bath salts and health drinks. In 100 percent pure form, it has no side effects and can therefore be used for long-term therapy. Initially, there are isolated cases of dizziness, digestive problems and fatigue, but these are soon cured with the intake of vitamin C.

Importance for health, treatment and prevention.

Shiny lacquer porling is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat acute and chronic hepatitis A, B, C, kidney inflammation, stomach ulcers, gastritis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, leukocyte deficiency (leukopenia), rheumatoid arthritis and as a natural anti-aging agent. It also improves memory and effectively combats depression. The nerves are calmed and stress symptoms are contained. In addition, the active ingredients of the medicinal mushroom promote sleep. In Asia, the remedy is highly regarded especially for its anti-aging effect. Many studies conducted to date have shown that the Reishi ingredients bind the free oxygen and nitrogen molecules produced during metabolic processes and thus prevent the damage to the heart, liver, kidneys and blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) caused by cell aging. Moreover, the permanent intake of Glossy Lackporling gives firm skin, even if one is already in middle age. Even in the treatment of cancer, Reishi extract has been successful: It has a strong healing effect especially in prostate cancer, colon cancer and breast cancer. In addition, the ancient natural remedy is cancer preventive: it builds a strong UV protection and can thus reduce the risk of skin cancer. Asian medicine uses it against all types of cancer. Since some of the active ingredients contained in the mushroom are toxic to certain cells and others stimulate the immune system so that it produces more killer cells, the remedy – according to the latest medical research – can also be used in HIV treatment. In rheumatoid arthritis patients, it reduces the number of inflammatory markers. The triterpenes block the release of histamine and thus have an anti-allergic effect. Like cortisone, the constituents of glossy paint spurge inhibit inflammation and thus help in the treatment of asthma. The adenosine has antispasmodic effects in muscular dystrophy and tense muscles.