Astereognosia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Astereognosia is the inability to recognize shapes by palpation with eyes closed. The cause is damage to the central nervous system, where tactile impressions are processed and made to be recognized. Astereognosia is causally untreatable in most cases and for this reason can usually be alleviated at best by targeted tactile training. What is astereognosia? … Astereognosia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Thalidomide-contergan Embryopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Thalidomide-contergan embryopathy causes developmental malformations of the embryo in early pregnancy. The cause is exposure to the harmful substance thalidomide or thalidomide. Therapy of affected patients takes place in an interdisciplinary team of physicians and usually lasts a lifetime. What is thalidomide-contergan embryopathy? Embryogenetic developmental disorders caused by adverse effects during the first three months … Thalidomide-contergan Embryopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gollop-Wolfgang Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gollop-Wolfgang syndrome is a complex of malformations characterized by symptoms such as tibial aplasia or the characteristic split hand. The syndrome probably has a hereditary basis. Treatment options include orthopedic, reconstructive, and prosthetic steps. What is Gollop-Wolfgang syndrome? Gollop-Wolfgang syndrome is one of the congenital malformations of the extremities. The complex of symptoms was first … Gollop-Wolfgang Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Physiotherapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Physiotherapy is the older term for physical therapy and deals with the healing of impairments as well as disabilities of mobility and functionality of the musculoskeletal system. In many cases, physiotherapy is used alongside or in conjunction with other medical treatments. What is physiotherapy Physiotherapy is the older term for physical therapy and is concerned … Physiotherapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks