What is a Placebo?

In 1955, American physician Henry Beecher published observations he had made on U.S. soldiers during World War II in his book “The Powerful Placebo.” To relieve pain in these, he administered morphine. When he ran out, he replaced it with weak saline, with the effect that the “ineffective” substance relieved the pain of many soldiers. … What is a Placebo?

Neuraminidase Inhibitor

Products Neuraminidase inhibitors are commercially available in the form of capsules, powder for oral suspension, powder inhalers, and injectables. The first agents to be approved were zanamivir (Relenza) in 1999, followed by oseltamivir (Tamiflu). Laninamivir (Inavir) was released in Japan in 2010 and Peramivir (Rapivab) in the USA in 2014. The public is most familiar … Neuraminidase Inhibitor

Butterbur against Hay Fever

Products In many countries, the special extract Ze 339 from the leaves of the common butterbur ( L., Asteraceae) has been approved for the treatment of hay fever since 2003 (Tesalin, Zeller Heuschnupfen). Since 2018, the drug is also available without a doctor’s prescription. The list reclassification took place in September 2017. Ingredients Petasins, esterified … Butterbur against Hay Fever

Auxiliary Materials

Definition On the one hand, drugs contain the active ingredients that mediate the pharmacological effects. On the other hand, they consist of excipients, which are used for the production or to support and regulate the drug effect. Placebos, which consist only of excipients and contain no active ingredients, are an exception. Excipients can be of … Auxiliary Materials

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional bowel disorder that manifests itself in the following persistent or recurrent symptoms: Lower abdominal pain or cramping Diarrhea and/or constipation Flatulence Change in bowel habits, impaired defecation. Incontinence, urge to defecate, feeling of incomplete emptying. The symptoms improve with defecation. Some patients suffer mainly from diarrhea, others from … Irritable Bowel Syndrome Causes and Treatment

Nocturnal Calf Cramps

Symptoms Nighttime calf cramps are painful and involuntary muscle contractions of the legs that often occur in the calves and feet. They last only a few minutes but can continue to cause discomfort for hours. They are particularly common in older people over 60 years of age. They are benign complaints. The most important complication … Nocturnal Calf Cramps


Symptoms A hot flash is a spontaneous feeling of warmth that may be accompanied by sweating, palpitations, flushing of the skin, feelings of anxiety, and subsequent chills, and lasts for a few minutes. The flushes affect mainly the head and upper body, but sometimes the whole body. The flushes often also occur at night, are … Floods


Products Placebo tablets are available, for example, in Germany (P-Tabletten Lichtenstein) or from Dynapharm. The term comes from Latin and literally means “I will please”. Structure and properties In pharmacotherapy, placebos are drugs that do not contain active pharmaceutical ingredients but only excipients such as lactose (milk sugar), starches, celluloses, or a physiological saline solution … Placebo

Growth of eyebrows

Introduction The growth of eyebrows is not always equally fast. Rather, it is divided into three phases in which the speed is very different. These phases can be divided into the growth, transition and resting phases. It can take several weeks to a whole year for a completely torn out eyebrow to regain its original … Growth of eyebrows

Which home remedies stimulate growth? | Growth of eyebrows

Which home remedies stimulate growth? There are many different home remedies that are said to accelerate eyebrow growth. A simple home remedy is to stop plucking or waxing. In addition, strong scratching or rubbing, as well as too frequent peeling should be avoided. Make-up that is applied to the eyebrows should be used sparingly or … Which home remedies stimulate growth? | Growth of eyebrows

What do you think about eyebrow growth sera? | Growth of eyebrows

What do you think about eyebrow growth sera? If eyebrows only grow back sparsely or not at all, there are many tips and tools to stimulate growth. Growth serums are also part of this large offer and are now offered by many different companies. The active ingredients in eyebrow serums vary. Frequently used are substances … What do you think about eyebrow growth sera? | Growth of eyebrows