History of Herbal Medicine

Gentle healing methods with plant-based medicines, so-called “phytopharmaceuticals“, were already used 6,000 BC. Whether in China, Persia or Egypt, among the Incas, Greeks or Romans – all great world empires cultivated medicinal plants for medical purposes. The knowledge of their effects was and is passed down orally or in writings and constantly expanded by new … History of Herbal Medicine

Planting and Caring for Herbs

In addition to the location, the right soil is also crucial when planting herbs. Heavy, clayey soils are not suitable for planting herbs, as they bind too much liquid and lead to waterlogging. Therefore, one should rather resort to looser soil. Special herbal soil guarantees the right composition, but is quite expensive in comparison. For … Planting and Caring for Herbs

How Houseplants Clean Indoor Air

Headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness and constant fatigue after a few hours in the office – volatile chemicals in indoor air are often to blame. At the top of the list of pollutants is formaldehyde, an all-around chemical that is still in many pieces of furniture. But houseplants can filter toxins in furniture, carpets and … How Houseplants Clean Indoor Air

Kneipp Therapy: Not Old Hat At All

In general, “Kneipp” is understood to mean cold casts and treading water. However, the actual Kneipp concept is a holistic therapy that wants body, mind and psyche in harmony and focuses primarily on prevention. The Catholic priest Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897) founded the therapy concept named after him after he cured his severe tuberculosis, which was … Kneipp Therapy: Not Old Hat At All

Poisonous Plants: Danger of Poisoning for Children (Poisonous Plants in the Home and Garden)

In the warm season, children often play outside. Their imagination is fired with things they find there. For example, the game “cooking a meal” often involves berries, leaves or other plant parts. However, such a meal is sometimes difficult to digest. Younger children are often tempted by the pretty colors and shapes to put plant … Poisonous Plants: Danger of Poisoning for Children (Poisonous Plants in the Home and Garden)


Latin name: Fumaria officinalisGenus: Poppy plant: Field Cabbage, Blausporn, Smoky CabbagePlant description: Annual, dainty in flower and leaf. The stem is strongly branched, the leaves are gray-green and delicately pinnate. The flowers spurred, arranged in loose clusters, pink to dark red in color, with a dark red spot at the tip. Flowering time: June to … Fumitory