PUPP syndrome in pregnancy | PUPP Syndrome

PUPP syndrome in pregnancy The PUPP syndrome always occurs during pregnancy. Non-pregnant women are never affected by this itchy rash. The rash usually appears at the beginning of the second half of pregnancy and starts on the abdomen and trunk. As the pregnancy progresses, the rash spreads towards the arms, while the rash on the … PUPP syndrome in pregnancy | PUPP Syndrome

PUPP Syndrome

Definition Under a PUPP (today called PEP), one summarizes so-called polymorphic exanthema in pregnancy. A polymorphic exanthema is a reddish skin irritation of various shapes, which occurs in different parts of the body and can be very itchy. The exact causes usually remain unknown. The treatment is usually purely symptomatic. The abbreviation is PUPP pruritic … PUPP Syndrome