Polyneuritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Polyneuritis is an inflammatory disease of the peripheral nervous system or cranial nerves. Several or all nerves may be affected to varying degrees. Abnormal sensations and functional disturbance of damaged areas of the body are among the typical symptoms. The causes and associated therapeutic approaches are subject to a wide variety. What is polyneuritis? Polyneuritis … Polyneuritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

History | Polyneuropathy

History The course of a polyneuropathy can be just as varied as the symptoms. Usually the disease begins with sensations in both feet or lower legs. Affected persons typically report, for example, a nightly burning sensation on both soles of the feet or tingling in the area of both calves. Depending on the cause, the … History | Polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathies due to alcohol | Polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathies due to alcohol Besides diabetes mellitus type 2 (“diabetes”), the abuse of alcohol is one of the most common causes of polyneuropathy. Experts estimate that 15-40 % of all alcoholics suffer from polyneuropathy. Alcohol therefore damages the nerve cells and is therefore “neurotoxic”. In chronic or long-term abuse, those affected usually develop symmetrical sensations … Polyneuropathies due to alcohol | Polyneuropathy

Diagnosis | Polyneuropathy

Diagnosis In order to make a diagnosis of polyneuropathy, the treating family doctor or neurologist first takes a detailed anamnesis. For this purpose, he asks questions regarding the type of symptoms, their temporal occurrence and their course. He is also interested in previous illnesses (such as diabetes mellitus), family history or medication. A physical examination … Diagnosis | Polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathy – curable? | Polyneuropathy

Polyneuropathy – curable? Numerous factors and underlying diseases can influence the development of the complex clinical picture of “polyneuropathy“. It is therefore not surprising that general statements about the question of curability are hardly possible. Depending on the underlying disease, however, it may well be possible that the disease is curable. In principle, the longer … Polyneuropathy – curable? | Polyneuropathy


Neuropathies, PolyneuritidesA polyneuropathy is a broadly diversified disease of several peripheral nerves, which are responsible, for example, for the sense of touch (sensitive) and muscle movement (motor), with many different causes (e.g. toxic, infectious, metabolic (metabolic), genetic factors). The disease practically always starts at the lower extremity, is usually symmetrically pronounced and has a slowly … Polyneuropathy

Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Synonyms in a broader sense Acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis Polyneuritis Landry-Guillain- Barré-Strohl syndrome Polyradiculitis Idiopathic polyradiculo- neuropathy Kissing Mouth Landry Syndrome GBS Definition Guillain-Barré syndrome is a neurological disorder based on the demyelination of nerve fibers. Around the age of 25 and around the age of 60 there are two disease peaks. Men are more frequently … Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Summary | Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Summary Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a neurological disorder based on the demyelination of nerve fibers. In this process, the nerve cells lose their insulating layer, comparable to a power cable, which causes the nerve cell to lose its function to transmit information. The cause is not completely understood. An autoimmune reaction and neuroallergic reactions to … Summary | Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Therapy | Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Therapy The treatment is carried out symptomatically under intensive medical supervision. This means that the function of the heart and lungs in particular are continuously monitored. If necessary, a pacemaker and respiration may be necessary. Nutrition may have to be ensured by administering nutrients and fluids through a vein (infusions). Furthermore, physiotherapy, psychological care and … Therapy | Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Alternative causes | Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS)

Alternative causes Alternative causes that cause comparable symptoms (med. differential diagnoses): Poliomyelitis acuta (polio) Panarteritis nodosa Sarcoidosis Toxic polyneuropathy forms Myasthenia gravis Atypical encephalitis All articles in this series: Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS) Summary Symptoms Therapy Alternative causes

Thalidomide-contergan Embryopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Thalidomide-contergan embryopathy causes developmental malformations of the embryo in early pregnancy. The cause is exposure to the harmful substance thalidomide or thalidomide. Therapy of affected patients takes place in an interdisciplinary team of physicians and usually lasts a lifetime. What is thalidomide-contergan embryopathy? Embryogenetic developmental disorders caused by adverse effects during the first three months … Thalidomide-contergan Embryopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment