Aggression: Causes, Treatment & Help

Aggression, in whatever form, scares people. It has many faces and can turn against the person, things, objects and things of all kinds. Deliberately causing harm to someone or something is aggression. The countless reports and news give the appearance and suggest that aggression is steadily increasing in our society. What are aggressions Causes of … Aggression: Causes, Treatment & Help

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Post-traumatic stress disorder can follow traumatic experiences, such as the death of a family member or a serious accident, and then usually sets in very quickly after the experience. Treatment approaches are varied. What is post-traumatic stress disorder? Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental disorder that can occur in a person as a result of … Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gray Hair: Causes, Treatment & Help

At some point they are there: first gray hairs. Many people associate them with the decline in sexual attractiveness and feel old due to gray hair. The age-related decrease in pigmentation can not really be stopped, yet no one who does not want to, has to live with gray hair. What are gray hairs? Some … Gray Hair: Causes, Treatment & Help

Mutism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mutism is a speech disorder that mostly has no physical causes, such as defects in hearing or problems with the vocal cords. This speech disorder is therefore something completely different from that seen in deaf-mutes. The cause is a mental disorder or damage to the brain. Mutism is divided into (s)elective mutism, total mutism and … Mutism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Female Sexual Dysfunction (Frigidity): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sexual dysfunction in women, also called frigidity, can have numerous causes and must definitely be treated, because in many cases it does not get better on its own, but worse. Reasons for sexual dysfunction are numerous. What are sexual disorders (frigidity)? The term frigidity refers to all disorders related to a woman’s sexuality. Frigidity actually … Female Sexual Dysfunction (Frigidity): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment