
Introduction A continuity syndrome is the occurrence of various and unspecifically triggered mental disorders. The syndrome occurs particularly frequently after larger and longer surgical operations. Frequency Temporary states of confusion are quite common in hospitalized or postoperative patients. However, due to the wide range of symptoms, it is difficult to provide precise information, and literature … Durchgangssyndrom

Passage syndrome after heart surgery | Durchgangssyndrom

Passage syndrome after heart surgery Transition syndrome is a temporary mental disorder that can occur after major surgery. It is characterized by orientation disorders, confusion, mood swings and hallucinations. A vegetative concomitant reaction with outbreaks of sweating, high blood pressure and palpitations often occurs. This phenomenon occurs more frequently after heart surgery, especially if the … Passage syndrome after heart surgery | Durchgangssyndrom

Passage syndrome after bypass surgery | Durchgangssyndrom

Passage syndrome after bypass surgery Bypass surgery is an attempt to improve the blood flow situation in the heart by bridging constrictions in the coronary arteries with the body’s own blood vessels. This is usually a routine procedure. However, the patient is normally connected to a heart–lung machine during the operation. This machine can temporarily … Passage syndrome after bypass surgery | Durchgangssyndrom