Erectile Dysfunction

Synonyms Erectile dysfunction (ED)Erectile dysfunction in men occurs when a man is unable or only rarely able to bring his penis to the fully erect (stiff) state required for sexual intercourse, or to maintain this state. However, if this is only occasionally the case or only for a short time, it is not called erectile … Erectile Dysfunction

Types of erection | Erectile Dysfunction

Types of erection Basically, three types of erections are distinguished: Reflexogenic erection: This is achieved by stimulating the genital area and the associated nerve connections in the area of the lower spinal cord. Psychogenic erection: It is triggered by erotic stimulation of the brain, for example by thoughts or images. The impulses for this are … Types of erection | Erectile Dysfunction

Penis: Structure, Function & Diseases

For reproduction, nature has given humans not only the sperm and egg cells with the genetic information they contain. The male sexual organs, which include the penis, are a basic requirement for the consummation of the sexual act in order to produce healthy offspring. What is the penis? Originating from the Latin vocabulary, in the … Penis: Structure, Function & Diseases

Potency Problems: Causes, Treatment & Help

Potency problems, potency disorders, erectile dysfunction and sexual disorders do not only occur in men. They are mostly psychological, but in old age can also be caused by internal diseases. Especially erectile dysfunction in men and libido disorders in women are typical representatives in potency problems. What are potency problems? Potency problems are a common … Potency Problems: Causes, Treatment & Help