Chorionic villus sampling: What’s behind it

Chorionic villus sampling: What are chorionic villi? Genetically, the villi originate from the fetus. Cells obtained from the chorion therefore provide reliable information about hereditary diseases, inborn errors of metabolism and chromosomal disorders of the child. Chorionic villus sampling: What diseases can be detected? Trisomy 13 (Pätau syndrome) Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) Trisomy 21 (Down … Chorionic villus sampling: What’s behind it

Prenatal test

Prenatal Diagnostics Prenatal tests are part of extended prenatal diagnostics. Prenatal diagnostics is the examination and early detection of diseases before the birth of the child in the womb. The examination can be carried out either on the foetus itself or on the mother, for example, the mother’s blood. These examinations can be non-invasive and … Prenatal test

Consequences of the test results for parents and child | Prenatal test

Consequences of the test results for parents and child The possibility of prenatal tests sometimes poses psychologically stressful questions for expectant parents. Nowadays, a lot is possible, but not everything makes sense. Since 2010 it has been a legal requirement that an intensive consultation with the doctor is carried out before prenatal tests are carried … Consequences of the test results for parents and child | Prenatal test