Duration of pain after root canal filling | Pain after root canal filling

Duration of pain after root canal filling

The variability of the causes of pain after root canal filling causes a strong variance in the duration of pain. While slight pain after root canal filling disappears completely after one to two weeks in about 80% of cases, other causes are responsible for pain remaining for months. Without subsequent treatment by revision, apicoectomy or tooth removal, the pain will continue, which is why pain after root canal filling is usually prolonged.

The healing of an inflammation through subsequent treatment also depends on the individual immune system and the ability to regenerate. Wound healing disorders caused by medication or diseases such as diabetes mellitus have a negative effect on healing and thus prolong the duration of pain. The prognosis for pain depends on the cause.

The slight discomfort, which is almost always present after a root canal filling and quickly subsides, does not reduce the prognosis of the tooth. In cases of persistent pain, the tooth can also be saved by a revision or apicoectomy with a good prognosis. Only in the case of fracture is the prognosis poor and requires the tooth to be removed in order to maintain a symptom-free situation.