What influence does uterus prolapse have on sexuality? | Lowering of the uterus

What influence does uterus prolapse have on sexuality? Depending on its severity, uterus prolapse can cause pain during sexual intercourse. Because the uterus is lower than normal, it can be a barrier to sexual intercourse. Especially if the uterus is already emerging from the vaginal outlet, this is not only a cosmetic problem but also … What influence does uterus prolapse have on sexuality? | Lowering of the uterus

Is it allowed to jog with a lowered uterus? | Lowering of the uterus

Is it allowed to jog with a lowered uterus? Whether one may jog with a uterus prolapse should always be discussed individually with the gynecologist. Jogging can exert increased pressure on the pelvic organs and can cause pain or even incontinence.Nevertheless, there is no general ban on jogging for women whose uterine prolapse has been … Is it allowed to jog with a lowered uterus? | Lowering of the uterus

Anatomy of the uterus | Lowering of the uterus

Anatomy of the uterus Various anatomical structures ensure that both uterus and vagina are anchored in their place in the body. One of these structures is the uterine retaining apparatus, which is mainly formed by the Ligamentum latum uteri and Ligamentum sacrouterium. These ligaments fix the uterus in the pelvis. Furthermore, the pelvic floor prevents … Anatomy of the uterus | Lowering of the uterus