Endocarditis: Preventive Measures

Endocarditis is a bacterial inflammation of the endocardium (inner lining of the heart) that is subacute or highly acute and is associated with a high mortality rate. Since bacteria from the oral cavity can enter the vascular system during dental procedures and cause transient bacteremia (presence of bacteria in the blood), there is a risk … Endocarditis: Preventive Measures


Synonyms in a broader sense Dental care, dental cleaning, professional tooth cleaning, toothbrush, electric toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth shower, mouthwash Introduction Mouthwash is not a substitute for toothbrush and toothpaste. It is, however, a useful addition to your oral and dental care at home. A rinse with mouthwash after brushing teeth also penetrates into the hard … Mouthwash

Can mouthwash be used against athlete’s foot? | Mouthwash

Can mouthwash be used against athlete’s foot? As with nail fungus, cosmetic mouthwash is absolutely powerless, while a mouth rinse can help fight athlete’s foot. There are again no studies, but some experience reports of users with Listerine®, which could achieve a positive and faster decay of the mushroom disease after regular foot baths. Here … Can mouthwash be used against athlete’s foot? | Mouthwash

Chlorhexidine | Mouthwash

Chlorhexidine Chlorhexidine has become indispensable in every dental practice, as its active ingredient chlorhexidine digluconate has been proven to improve oral health and heal diseases of the oral cavity.In general it can be said that any inflammatory process caused by bacteria in the mouth and throat can also be cured by chlorhexidine, as the active … Chlorhexidine | Mouthwash

Side effects | Mouthwash

Side effects Side effects from taking mouthwash are not to be expected. Although essential oils and the alcohol are also effective against bacteria, a negative effect on the oral flora has not been observed.Mouthwash should not be swallowed. Medical mouthwashes can cause harmless discoloration of the teeth (see also: white teeth) and tongue, but these … Side effects | Mouthwash

Caries Risk Assessment

Caries risk assessment methods are used for early detection of increased caries risk with the aim of providing intensive and close-meshed care to affected patients to avert the disease of caries (tooth decay) or to be able to treat it at an early stage. Caries is a disease of the tooth hard substances dentin (tooth … Caries Risk Assessment

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure (treatment of the inside of the tooth) with the aim of removing the irreversibly (irreversibly) diseased pulp (tooth pulp) and, after disinfecting measures, sealing the resulting cavity with a root canal filling to make it bacteria-proof. Root canal treatment is indicated for devitalized (dead) or irreversibly inflamed pulp … Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Germ Reduction with Photoactivated Chemotherapy

One possible application of laser systems in medicine is photoactivated chemotherapy (PACT) (synonyms: antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, aPDT, PACT, photodynamic therapy, photoactivated therapy), which takes advantage of the photochemical interactions between low-intensity laser light and a photosensitizer with the goal of inactivating germs. Laser systems are used in a variety of ways in medicine today. Photodynamic … Germ Reduction with Photoactivated Chemotherapy

Plastic Veneer Bridge

A resin veneer bridge is a tooth-supported dental prosthesis that is firmly anchored to abutment teeth by means of crowns and whose aesthetically significant areas are coated with tooth-colored resin. A resin veneer bridge – like a ceramic veneer bridge – has a metal framework which is veneered with tooth-colored PMMA-based resin (polymethyl methacrylate) only … Plastic Veneer Bridge