HIV Protease Inhibitor

Products Most HIV protease inhibitors are commercially available in tablet or capsule form. In addition, a few liquid dosage forms are available for ingestion. Saquinavir (Invirase) was the first to be lanicized in 1995. Structure and properties The first HIV protease inhibitors were modeled on the natural peptide substrate of the HIV protease. The protease … HIV Protease Inhibitor


Products Rifampicin is commercially available as film-coated tablets, coated tablets, capsules, and injectables (Rimactan, generics). In addition to mono, various combination preparations are also available. Rifampicin has been approved in many countries since 1968. This article refers to peroral monotherapy. Structure and properties Rifampicin (C43H58N4O12, Mr = 823 g/mol) exists as a reddish brown to … Rifampicin

Protease Inhibitors: Action, Uses & Risks

Protease inhibitors are different substances that can inhibit the body’s own proteases in their function. They can be peptides, proteins, or some low-molecular-weight substances. There are poisons, such as scorpion or snake venoms, which belong to the protease inhibitors. From this, it can be seen that protease inhibitors can be very dangerous. In medicine, protease … Protease Inhibitors: Action, Uses & Risks