Healing depression through hypnosis – is that possible? | How can one overcome depression?

Healing depression through hypnosis – is that possible? Hypnosis has proven but not fully understood effects. For this reason, it is offered for depression, but is not recommended as the sole therapy and is not covered by health insurance. Professional hypnosis therapists achieve an improvement of the symptoms in many cases, but in some forms … Healing depression through hypnosis – is that possible? | How can one overcome depression?

Pathology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Pathology deals with the assessment and determination of causes of pathological changes in the organism. In doing so, it works closely with anatomy, pathophysiology and cytology. In medicine, it is an important tool for quality assurance. What is pathology? Pathology is a branch of medicine that deals with the symptoms and symptom complexes of pathological … Pathology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Introduction Suicidal thoughts occur with many people and do not always have to be immediately dangerous, but one should still remain alert. People with mental illnesses such as depression or schizophrenia are particularly often affected. These thoughts are not only very stressful for the person affected, but also for the relatives who have to deal … Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Where can I find help? | Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Where can I find help? As already mentioned, the rescue service or the police should be informed immediately if the person concerned is in acute danger. If the situation is not acute, a conversation with the person affected should be the first step. If suicidal thoughts are present, one can first contact the family doctor, … Where can I find help? | Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Which doctor is in charge? | Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Which doctor is in charge? In the case of suicidal thoughts, the first point of contact can be the family doctor. He often knows the patient’s medical history and can assess the situation well. If necessary, he can also refer the patient to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The psychiatrist is responsible for acute suicidal thoughts … Which doctor is in charge? | Suicidal thoughts – What to do as a relative?

Passage syndrome after heart surgery | Durchgangssyndrom

Passage syndrome after heart surgery Transition syndrome is a temporary mental disorder that can occur after major surgery. It is characterized by orientation disorders, confusion, mood swings and hallucinations. A vegetative concomitant reaction with outbreaks of sweating, high blood pressure and palpitations often occurs. This phenomenon occurs more frequently after heart surgery, especially if the … Passage syndrome after heart surgery | Durchgangssyndrom

Passage syndrome after bypass surgery | Durchgangssyndrom

Passage syndrome after bypass surgery Bypass surgery is an attempt to improve the blood flow situation in the heart by bridging constrictions in the coronary arteries with the body’s own blood vessels. This is usually a routine procedure. However, the patient is normally connected to a heart–lung machine during the operation. This machine can temporarily … Passage syndrome after bypass surgery | Durchgangssyndrom


Introduction A continuity syndrome is the occurrence of various and unspecifically triggered mental disorders. The syndrome occurs particularly frequently after larger and longer surgical operations. Frequency Temporary states of confusion are quite common in hospitalized or postoperative patients. However, due to the wide range of symptoms, it is difficult to provide precise information, and literature … Durchgangssyndrom

Sex Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Sex therapy is a conversational form of psychotherapy and psychiatry used to treat sexual disorders. The treatment spectrum of sex therapy covers from sexual dysfunction, psychological trauma to pathological manifestations of mild to severe sexual disorders. What is sex therapy? Sex therapy is a conversational form of psychotherapy and psychiatry used to treat sexual disorders. … Sex Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Set Risperdal down

If a patient wants to stop taking Risperdal®, he or she should discuss the steps with his or her treating psychiatrist and adhere strictly to the withdrawal plan. Since Risperdal® is an atypical neuroleptic drug which can be used for various diseases such as psychosis and is very potent, the dose of Risperdal® should be … Set Risperdal down