Household remedies against insomnia

Insomnia is widespread in society. These are problems in falling asleep that cause a person to take more than half an hour to fall asleep. As a result, the following day, the person becomes easily irritable and restless.

The affected persons are usually reduced in their performance, less resilient and faster in stress. In the case of difficulties in falling asleep, further difficulties in sleeping through the night occur more often. Sleep hygiene is very important for the treatment. Regular sleep of about eight hours should be ensured. Various household remedies can also be helpful in cases of sleep disorders.

These household remedies are used

The following household remedies can be helpful for people who have trouble falling asleep:

  • Hops and valerian
  • Lavender
  • Warm footbath
  • Warm milk
  • Relaxation exercises

Application Hops and valerian are usually drunk in combination as tea before going to sleep. A mixture with a ratio of one to four is suitable for this purpose. Valerian can be bought as root tea.

In the drugstore you can sometimes also buy ready-made mixed preparations. Effect Hops have a comparable effect to a substance produced naturally in the body, the so-called melatonin, which regulates the sleep rhythm. Valerian has a supporting calming effect on the body.

What must be considered? Hops should only be used in combination with valerian, as the sole effect on sleep disorders is questionable. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

Valerian and hops are also used for anxiety states. Use There are different ways in which lavender can be used against insomnia. One possibility is to infuse the flowers into a tea.

Alternatively, an evening bath with lavender flowers can be taken. Effect The lavender blossom contains many substances that have a generally calming and relaxing effect on the body. What must be considered?

Lavender tea should be left to rest for at least ten minutes before drinking. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Lavender can also help with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Directions for use A warm footbath can be used every evening for 20-30 minutes before going to bed. For this purpose, the feet are gradually doused with hot water in a tub. Effect The warm water increases the blood circulation in the whole body, as the heat has a dilating effect on the vessels.

What do you have to consider? When choosing the temperature, you should pay attention to possible pain. It is recommended to start at 30°C and to increase the temperature gradually.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? With the addition of curd soap, a foot bath can help with nail inflammation, for example. Use Before going to bed, many people with insomnia drink a glass of warm milk.

It is best to warm the milk in a pot, but it must not be brought to a boil. Effect An active ingredient of milk is the so-called melatonin, which regulates the sleep rhythm in the body. What should you be aware of?

For taste, honey or cinnamon can be added to the warm milk. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Warm milk in combination with honey can also help with sore throats, for example.

Application For evening relaxation exercises there are various options to choose from. For example, yoga exercises, as well as autogenic training or even progressive muscle relaxation can be helpful. Effect Various relaxation techniques help to relax cramps in the muscles.

This can help to relieve neck cramps, for example, which prevent many people from falling asleep in the evening. What do you need to consider? Since it is very important to perform relaxation exercises correctly, you should be informed about the correct execution. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Relaxation exercises can also help with severe stress or inner restlessness.